
Our services cater to all your digital needs

Explore our services today to discover how we can help elevate your online presence and drive growth for your business.

Product Research in Amazon

After having your seller central signed up on Amazon, finalizing the product is the next step. There are a number of ways to find a product suitable for your online business. Judging the niche competition and demand of the product is the most important aspect while doing an online business. Moreover, predicting the future sales and behaviour of that particular product is yet another challenge that you need to take.

As a layman, to start an online business you would want to know the obstacles and loops that you will probably find yourself stuck in if not taking proper consultation from experienced ones out there. Sittana Network Marketing agency has abled many of its precious clients to build a sustainable online business and promises to take your hand and guide you so that you have a better chance of success.

Sourcing Your Product in the Right Way

Sourcing is the most crucial step when it comes to fetching a reasonable profit margin. Vague sourcing with higher production costs can lower down your profit margin to the minimum and if done right, this sourcing step can take your product to the next level, saving you a good amount at the end of the month.

Sittana Network Marketing not only provides you consultancy after analysing your business stats but also can provide services to help you enjoy an increased profit margin

Product Listing

The first impression is what matters the most and convinces the customer to explore further about your product in any online marketplace, though it is Amazon, eBay, Walmart, or any other market. Your product listing contains Images that visually tell the customer what your product is, titles, and descriptions highlighting the main features and benefits of your product.

It’s not as easy as it sounds and therefore you need an expert who can write an SEO-optimized listing for you, can provide you images that actually attract the customers and help you in targeting the exact keywords that people are searching for to reach your product.

Marketing And Advertising

No one is going to buy your product unless they know that it exists. Therefore you need to have a strong strategy to market your product so that it reaches out to a number of customers out there and can have that level of recognition that it requires. There are various ways of properly advertising your product on Amazon as well as outside amazon. Social media marketing for reaching out to the customers who are not currently using Amazon to find your product and PPC (Pay Per Click) for advertising on Amazon itself. Amazon PPC ads are further categorized into:
  • Sponsored Product Ads
  • Sponsored Display Ads
  •  Sponsored Video Ads
  • ASIN targeting
  • Brand Ads
Setting up the ads may seem to be very easy, but the real skill is “where to” and “when to” advertise your product? how much cash you need to throw for a specific product? This detailed study comes with experience and Sittana Marketing is an absolute power house in marketing your products to the next level, reaching out to a huge number of buyers.


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